Waugh’s Well

This is not in Holcombe at all, but across the valley above Edenfield.  However it is a beautiful place, well worth a visit.  It is just below the edge of the Scout Moor plateau, overlooking Dearden Clough Reservoir.  Here at Foe Edge Farm in 1865 the dialect writer and poet, Edwin Waugh (1817-1890) was invited to stay by his friend Edmund Chattwood of Bury.  He spent spent some months there and on this and later visits he produced some of his best work.  In 1866 Mr Chattwood built a well at the farm in his honour.  This memorial has been rebuilt since, especially at the centenary in 1966, and a bust has been added.  The farmhouse was demolished and removed in the 1970s.

There is more information on the notice in the photo below, which includes Waugh’s most famous poem “Come whoam to thi childer an’ me” (1856), and in the Wikipaedia article.


Waugh's Well, June 2016
Waugh’s Well, June 2016
Information Sign near Waugh's Well
Information Sign near Waugh’s Well
View from Waugh's Well
View from Waugh’s Well

The reservoir appears to have been built in the early 1900s, so would not have been there in Waugh’s time, although there would have been lots of smoke from the industry in the valley.  What he would have thought of the wind turbines now revolving  silently on Whittle Hill to the left is a matter for conjecture.