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Drone Videos of Holcombe

Niall Woodward, who lives in Bury, has flown a drone with a camera around Holcombe Hill and posted the resulting video on You-Tube.  Click here to see it.

Niall lives in Bury and is currently a 1st year student at Imperial College London studying Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Management (MEng). Whilst studying for his A levels at Bolton school he established his first online business Giraffequads selling modification kits for GoPro cameras so they could be used on drones without lens distortion.

Niall built his first drone when he was 15 years old in 2013 before quadcopters were widely known. He is a keen triathlete, training most days and competing in national competitions regularly through the University. He loves to play the piano during breaks in his daily schedule, improvising and learning pieces by Fats Waller and other jazz greats. In the future he hopes to invent a technological solution that will make a contribution to improving people’s lives.

There’s some more drone videos of the

Late spring
Depths of winter
Sunset in early autumn