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Emmanuel Primary School

Emmanuel Primary School

Emmanuel Holcombe Church of England Primary School lies on the main road just north of the centre of Holcombe village.  It was built in 1864, shortly after Emmanuel church, and has always had links with it.  The picture above shows the date stone and the old school bell on the roof.

The school has about 100 pupils in 4 classes.  Its web site is here.

The school’s position alongside a relatively unobstructed main road quite close to the edge of the 30mph zone has led to concerns about the hazard from speeding traffic.  The Holcombe Society is working with traffic authorities on solutions to this problem.

Many pupils and their parents also walk up or down Rawson’s Rake on their way to and from the school at some risk from the relatively high traffic levels which prevail at these times.  A useful and attractive map has been produced showing footpath alternatives which should reduce the risk.  Click here for more information.

The building was badly damaged by a bomb in the Zeppelin raid in 1916 and the only known casualty, a thrush, is preserved in a glass case in the school.

Article No 12 in Ramsbottom Heritage Society’s Magazine No 6 contains extracts from the school’s Log Book covering the period 1865 to 1905, which describe how the school operated and some of the problems they had with weather and sickness.