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Holcombe Society

Many of the inhabitants of Holcombe Village are members of the Holcombe Society which is dedicated to conserving and improving the local environment and amenities.  They are involved in a number of activities and campaigns relevant to life in the village and they organise some social events for members and their guests.  They also own this web site.

If you want to join the Holcombe Society, please use the Contact form on this site (on the menu beneath the Home page) and the message will be passed to the secretary.  The annual subscription is £8 for an adult, £5 for a pensioner and £20 for a family.

The “Private”  page and those linked to it are for Society members only.  To see them please login using the “Log in” link at the right of the menu above.  Use the username “Holcombe” and the password you have been given.  The password is case-sensitive; the username is not.  If the link says “Log out” you are already logged in!