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There are no bus services to Holcombe Village, although a considerable number of “out of service” buses pass through on their way to the depot in Haslingden.  The nearest bus routes are at the Hare and Hounds in Holcombe Brook and in the centre of Ramsbottom.  The Rosso service along Tanners Street and Dundee Lane is not now running.

Transport for Greater Manchester provides the Local Link service which subsidises taxis to provide an alternative service where there are no buses.  It serves all the main roads in Holcombe and provides transport to the centre of Bury.  The adult fare is £2 (£3.20 return); concessions and children are half fare after 9:30.  To use it you have to book at least an hour in advance, but at the time of writing in the Bury area you do not have to register.  Full details are on the Local Link Website.

Most people get to Holcombe by car, and fortunately the main roads are mostly wide enough to provide adequate parking.  There is also a car park on Lumb Carr Road which caters for visitors who want to walk up the hill.

Cyclists visiting Holcombe need to have plenty of energy, but it is worth the effort, especially on a good day.