Wind Farm Protest Walk May 2016

Most of the Holcombe Society oppose the proposed extension to Scout Moor Wind Farm and have joined with other groups to campaign against it. On 29th May about 100 protesters joined a protest walk from Waterfoot along the Pennine Bridleway and Rossendale Way to Waugh’s Well just above the reservoir to the north of Whittle Hill. This route runs past the site of the proposed new turbines.

Waugh’s Well is a monument commemorating the nineteenth-century dialect poet Edwin Waugh.  More information here.

Click here to see the article from the Bury Times.

Wind Farm Protest, Waugh's WellThe picture shows several society members holding a protest banner.  One of them is Chris Woods who read out a poem of his own composition to the gathering.  The poem is reproduced below.


Above Dearden Clough
is a spring where a bronze
figurehead commemorates the
Lancashire poet, Edwin Waugh.

Those features turn
to moorland green.
Words are water
welling up inside;

the cadence falls
to reservoirs
where the words
collect and glitter.

Text is landscape
printed with sheep,
green pages edged
with dry stone walls.

Materials come from
quarries of grit
and the workings
of water and wind.

Streams hold sky
and images of hills.
Utterance flows
or pauses in pools.

Liquid language
moves easily
through dialects
of bracken and gorse,

does not end
when the day does,
produces work
that is bound in stars.

Chris Woods