Village Defibrillator

A defibrillator (an emergency device for treating cases of cardiac arrest) was installed in the village in May 2016.  It is located on the wall of Emmanuel Holcombe School in a locked box (see photo).  If it is required, the user should ring 999 and provide the location information on the box.  The code to open it will then be provided.

Village Defibrillator

The Holcombe Society identified the need for a defibrillator during 2015.  They applied successfully to Bury Council for a grant towards it, and a generous anonymous donation was also received.  The money has been used to pay for the box and some signage and  North West Ambulance provided the instrument itself.

Training in the use of the device can be made available by arrangement with North West Ambulance.

Click here to view the report in the Bury Times .